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LoboPastel, 9x12", matted $150 | Goldfinch ChatterPastel, 9x12", $150 | Keeping in Touch9" x 12". pastel, $150 |
Halloween Bat9" x 12", Pastel, SOLD | Proud Robin9" x 12" , Pastek, $150 | Hungry Frog9" x 12", Pastel, $150 |
Badger9"x12", Pastel, $150 | Sea Otter9 x 12", Pastel, $150 | Bumble Bee9" x 12", Pastel, $150 |
Burrowing Owl9" x 12", Pastel, $150 | Painted Bunting9" x 12", Pastel, $150 | Blue Jay9"x 12" , Pastel, $150 |
Cardinal9"x 12", Pastel, $150 | VulttureSOLD | Cardinal9" x 12", Pastel, $150 |
Sea Turtle9" x 12", Pastel, $150 | Hummingbird9" x 12", Pastel, $150 | Cedar Waxwing9" x 12"' , Pastel, $150 |
Social Distancing9"x 12", Pastel, $150 | Baby Bear9"x12", Pastel, $150 | Merlin Falcon9"x12". Pastel, $150 |
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